Sunday, August 27, 2006

you can always go home, right? (final word)

how do you follow up a post like that last one? with food...what did you think i was going to say? besides, isn't there always food. food that you can only get in that one place you were that one time. food that you remember and dream about and compare anything even remotely close, to the original sin of your tastebuds.

where i come from there is kewpee east, kewpee west, and kewpee downtown. (there's also a bob evans in almost every town, but we aren't even going to talk about that.) this happens to be kewpee east...

before: biting into my delicious, tasty kewpee burger (isn't it beautiful?)

after: comsuming every last bite (can you say, "best fucking burger ever!"?)


Blogger The Fuz said...

The large baby with his arms spread wide interesting choice to say the least.
How the hell did they come up with a name like Kewpee anyway?

9:11 AM  
Blogger lyza jane said...

back in the day...way back...there was such a thing as a "kewpee doll". i actually have a picture of one that i will post if you'd like, or i could send it to you direct. your choice. i didn't post it because of the disturbance factor!

11:32 AM  

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