Tuesday, September 16, 2008

i am pouring you a cup of tea...

tonight i am pouring you a cup of tea along with my own, with a touch of honey to sweeten the bitter. i am pouring you a cup of tea, the kind where the water is boiled slowly in a kettle on the open flames of the burner and steam rises and whistles to let me know it's ready. my thoughts are far away as i think of you and the daily grind that keeps our minds so preoccupied. the daily grind of kids laughing and the commute to work each morning. the daily grind of us just living our lives. i miss you. so tonight i am pouring you a cup of tea and it will steep, there on the counter next to mine, but i will drink mine alone. i will drink my cup of tea alone and think of all the things i have to tell you and all the things i imagine you have to tell me too. i will smile and maybe even laugh out loud. because that's what we do when we sit and talk and drink our tea together. and i will miss your company. and i will miss your smile. and i will miss the way you hug me when you hug me the way you do. i miss you. i miss you. i miss you.


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