Friday, August 26, 2005

lyza jane's dictionary

i know that i am becoming a 'typical mother' with all the story telling about baby girl, but i don't really care. and if you do, then you can fuck off! she teaches me something new everyday...nobody told me it was going to be like that. so the surprise of the unexpected things she has brought into my world has been the most amazing journey of my life so far. she is the center of my universe and i smile because she is mine.

we took the red bear 'kiddie' swing down from baby girl's 'castle' this past weekend. she can hold on to the 'big' swing now and has let that be known.

before dinner her dad brought out a bowl of chips to share and they munched away on the porch for a time before climbing into the castle to hang out and continue to enjoy their snack. shortly thereafter i was invited to join them. as we sat enjoying the cool summer evening, dusk setting in, baby girl decided she wanted to go down the slide – and she was all smiles and laughter as she did. when she got to the bottom she turned around to look at me, 'how bout you mom?' how does one refuse an invitation that good? *melting heart* so as i was getting ready to go she reminds me, 'hold on tight mom!' and i smiled and answered, 'ok'...then i push off down the slide.

now, it has been some time since i've gone down a slide. years i would venture to say. but again, an invitation from your child to participate in one of life's little adventures doesn't come along every day...there was just no turning it down. as i was going down the slide, watching baby girl watch me with a huge smile on her face, my smile grew wider and wider until i reached the bottom. baby girl was there to greet with wild, excited clapping. 'good job, wanna do it again?', she asked while running for the ladder to go up again. i couldn't help but run with her, smiling...and for a moment, i was five and i remembered why it is that little kids run for the ladder, just to do it again. it was glee...there is no other word for that feeling. pure, unabandoned, momentary freedom - where you can't help but smile and giggles turn to laughter as they begin deep down in your toes and grow as you go down and run to go up, just to go down, again. and it spills from you as you hit the ground running, following one another and watching one another and clapping because it just feels right in that time and you are lost in a moment.

glee - it has just been defined for me.


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